Friday, March 28, 2008

Patrick MacManaway - Living with the Spirit of Place

Over 45 people attended our recent library program "Living with the Spirit of Place" by Dr. Patrick MacManaway.

Dr. Patrick MacManaway, holistic therapist, author, and current President of the British Society of Dowsers, presented a slideshow and talk about how the places we live and work affect our level of energy, mood and attitude.

March Book Discussion Group - "Peace Like a River"

This debut novel by Leif Enger revolves around a family's search for the oldest son who has gotten into trouble with the law. Much of the action takes place in the Dakota Badlands, and one of the reading group members had actually lived in the Dakotas and experienced the fierce, freezing winters and gale-force winds. We had a lively discussion about the several "miracles" that took place and the dicey moral underpinnings of the family's journey to find the son. Additionally, we discussed the deep family love and trust that were a large part of the story.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

February Book Group - The Madonnas of Leningrad

For the most part, The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean takes place in Leningrad (modern-day St. Petersburg) during the first year of the 900-day German siege of the city, which began in 1941. During our meeting in February we saw photographs of the starving people and the horrific conditions during that time in Leningrad. We also viewed color plates of some of the artwork in the Hermitage Museum.

The events in the book are related by an elderly woman who was a docent at the Hermitage before and during the siege. Although she suffers from Alzheimer's and cannot remember anything in her present life, she remembers the artwork and furnishing of all the rooms in the museum in minute detail.

We had an exciting discussion about the book, which all us liked, in spite of the Alzheimer's aspect.