Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Important update - Dec. 24 library hours 10 am-noon
Thanks to the kind gesture by the selectmen the library will be closing at NOON on Dec. 24. Come in and get your books, DVDs, and music CDs for the holidays. Our hours on Dec. 24 will be 10 am to Noon.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Holiday Open House
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Library hours
The library will be closed on Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 25 and Friday, Nov. 26. We will reopen on Saturday, Nov. 27 at 10 am.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
The library will be opening late on Friday, Dec. 3 for staff training. We will be open from 2 to 6 pm on Dec. 3.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
The library will be opening late on Friday, Dec. 3 for staff training. We will be open from 2 to 6 pm on Dec. 3.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Great night for a movie
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Happy Halloween !!
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Free admission to MV Museum
MV Museum unveiled its newest exhibit, "Your Town, Our Island." To celebrate the museum is inviting Oak Bluffs residents to visit for free this Saturday, Oct. 9, from 10 am to 5 pm. In addition to free admission, the museum is offering discounted memberships should you decide to join.
Learn about Oak Bluffs and what makes us unique.
The museum is located at 59 School Street, at the corner of Cooke Street, in Edgartown. For more information call 508-627-4441 or visit
Learn about Oak Bluffs and what makes us unique.
The museum is located at 59 School Street, at the corner of Cooke Street, in Edgartown. For more information call 508-627-4441 or visit
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Reflections of Our World Art Show

Artist and environmentalist Michael Wooley's work is now on display through October in the library's Meeting Room. Illustrations, undersea photography, and collages all show the wonders of our planet. The work is peaceful and serene with touches of whimsy in unexpected places. A beautiful addition to our library. Stop by and view the astounding world as seen through Michael's eyes.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tom Dresser talk cancelled
Tom Dresser had to cancel his talk on Thursday, Sept. 30. We are sorry to disappoint all those who were looking forward to hearing Tom talk about his new book.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Writers resources
Our library is an excellent place to begin your writing career. The Writer's Group meets every Thursday morning and is now taking new members.
An excellent resource is Ploughshares, a literary journal published by Emerson College. The journal features new writing and is guest-edited. For more information visit their website: or pick up an issue of the journal in the library. If you visit the website be sure to check out the blog by Greg Schutz. He came to our library last winter to give a talk.
An excellent resource is Ploughshares, a literary journal published by Emerson College. The journal features new writing and is guest-edited. For more information visit their website: or pick up an issue of the journal in the library. If you visit the website be sure to check out the blog by Greg Schutz. He came to our library last winter to give a talk.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Art to feed the tired soul
If you need a lift, visit our Meeting Room and see the paintings on display. You will feel the artist's joy through vibrant colors and images of his native Haiti. Artist Wilfrid Dantis was greeted by guests at his Art Opening and Reception on Sept. 9. It was a wonderful evening.
His work will be on display for all to enjoy through September.
His work will be on display for all to enjoy through September.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Tom Dresser: Author's Talk Sept. 30, 6:30 pm
Tom Dresser will be back to talk about his new book, "African Americans on Martha's Vineyard: From Enslavement to Presidential Visit." Don't miss this informative evening. Tom brings history to life.
Q&A follows. Books available for sale. Refreshments.
Q&A follows. Books available for sale. Refreshments.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Friday, Sept. 3 Library closed
The library and all public buildings in Oak Bluffs will be closed Friday, Sept. 3.
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Yes! Tom Dresser is back for a third time to discuss his new book African Americans on Martha's Vineyard: From Enslavement to Presidential Visit.
Friday, Sept. 3, 11 am
Tom's previous visits were capacity crowds and we had to turn people away. So here is your chance to meet Tom and learn all about this wonderful book.
All Black and White and Wonderful
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Artists’ Reception - Photography Exhibition
Please join us for the annual Della Hardman Day celebration
on Saturday, July 31st, 2:00-3:30pm,
in the Library Meeting Room.

The annual Della Hardman Day, a celebration of the arts established by the Town of Oak Bluffs in 2005, was inspired by the life of Della B. Hardman, PhD (1922-2005), Vineyard artist, civic activist, and writer who chronicled cultural and social events in Oak Bluffs for the Vineyard Gazette for nearly a decade. The Oak Bluffs Public Library, in conjunction with the sixth annual celebration, sponsored a contest to select images featuring Martha's Vineyard that reflect the "Savor the Moment" theme. The winning entries are published in a 2011 calendar, and will be displayed at the library from July 31st to August 14th.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
No more rainy day blues
When the weather turns rainy and you can't go to the beach, join us for CRUMMY WEATHER CRAFT DAYS in the Children's Room. There will be crafts, music, board games, giant puzzles, and more. The special drop-in crafts will be available from July 1 through August 28 as long as it's raining outside.
Don't be sad to see the rain. Come to the library where the fun is.
Don't be sad to see the rain. Come to the library where the fun is.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
No more book donations for the Friends book sale
The Friends of the Oak Bluffs Library are victims of their own success. They asked for used books and received an overwhelming response from our generous patrons and new friends. The July sale will be a big success thanks to all of you. No more donations please! The space is full!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Donate Your Used Books, CD's and DVD's
Do you need to make some room in your house? Donate your used books, CD's, and DVD's to support the Oak Bluffs Public Library. The Library Friends of Oak Bluffs are gearing up for their Summer Book Sale. The Friends are looking for used books across all categories, for all ages, including hardcover and paperback, fiction and nonfiction, DVD's and books on CD, as well as recent textbooks and travel books. They must be in good shape, with no missing pages, water damage or mold.
Drop off your donations at the Oak Bluffs Public Library, Tuesday - Saturday, during library hours. Please do not leave books outside the library when it is closed. If you have a lot of books to donate, please help us by calling e.l. Edwards in advance at 508-693-8326. If you can’t get your book donation to the library, call for a pick-up.
Drop off your donations at the Oak Bluffs Public Library, Tuesday - Saturday, during library hours. Please do not leave books outside the library when it is closed. If you have a lot of books to donate, please help us by calling e.l. Edwards in advance at 508-693-8326. If you can’t get your book donation to the library, call for a pick-up.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Authors Visit and Birding Talk & Walk @ Your Library
Many interesting programs are planned for the month of May @ your library. Including author visits by Carol McCleary and Susan Wilson, a slideshow about a birding expedition to New Zealand by Susan Whiting, and a FREE Vineyard birding walk with local birding expert, Susan Whiting! Please click on the links below to learn about these events and more @ your library:
Saturday, May 8 at 2:30 PM - Author Visit, Carol McCleary Ms. McCleary will discuss her new novel The Alchemy of Murder, featuring Nellie Bly, the world's first investigative reporter and other historical characters such as Jules Verne, Louis Pasteur and Oscar Wilde. Learn more...
Thursday, May 13 at 6:30 PM - Author Visit, Susan Wilson Local author, Susan Wilson, will discuss her latest novel One Good Dog. Publisher's Weekly says, "...Old Yeller's got nothing on this very good man and his dog story." Fiction readers and dog lovers alike will not want to miss this event! Learn more...
Thursday, May 20 at 6:30 PM - Birding in New Zealand - Slideshow by Susan Whiting Please join Susan B. Whiting, local birding expert and co-author of Vineyard Birds 2, for a recap of her voyage on the Southern Ocean where she visited a string of New Zealand's offshore islands rarely visited by man. Learn more...
Saturday morning, May 22 - FREE Vineyard Birding Tour - Susan Whiting Please join Susan B. Whiting, local birding expert and co-author of Vineyard Birds 2, for a free Vineyard birding tour. The number of participants will be limited, please call the library to sign up. Learn more...
Saturday, May 8 at 2:30 PM - Author Visit, Carol McCleary Ms. McCleary will discuss her new novel The Alchemy of Murder, featuring Nellie Bly, the world's first investigative reporter and other historical characters such as Jules Verne, Louis Pasteur and Oscar Wilde. Learn more...
Thursday, May 13 at 6:30 PM - Author Visit, Susan Wilson Local author, Susan Wilson, will discuss her latest novel One Good Dog. Publisher's Weekly says, "...Old Yeller's got nothing on this very good man and his dog story." Fiction readers and dog lovers alike will not want to miss this event! Learn more...
Thursday, May 20 at 6:30 PM - Birding in New Zealand - Slideshow by Susan Whiting Please join Susan B. Whiting, local birding expert and co-author of Vineyard Birds 2, for a recap of her voyage on the Southern Ocean where she visited a string of New Zealand's offshore islands rarely visited by man. Learn more...
Saturday morning, May 22 - FREE Vineyard Birding Tour - Susan Whiting Please join Susan B. Whiting, local birding expert and co-author of Vineyard Birds 2, for a free Vineyard birding tour. The number of participants will be limited, please call the library to sign up. Learn more...
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
National Library Week - April 11 - 17

During National Library Week April 11 – 17, we are encouraging community members to use the “Library Savings Calculator” to learn how much money they are saving by using their local library.
To calculate your savings visit:
National Library Week - Facts:
Americans check out an average of more than seven books a year. They spend $33.56 a year for the public library—about the average cost of one hardcover book.
Americans go to school, public and academic libraries nearly three times more often than they go to the movies.
Reference librarians in the nation’s public and academic libraries answer nearly 5.7 million questions weekly. Standing single file, the line of questioners would span from Long Island, New York, to Juneau, Alaska.
A 2009 poll conducted for the American Library Association found that 96% of respondents agreed that public libraries play an important role in giving everyone a chance to succeed because it provides free access to materials and resources.
*Facts taken from the "Quotable Facts About America's Libraries 2010" produced by the American Library Association
Friday, April 02, 2010
3rd Annual Savor the Moment Photography Contest
The Oak Bluffs Public Library, in conjunction with the annual celebration of DELLA HARDMAN DAY on Saturday, July 31st, is sponsoring a photography contest to select 14 images featuring Martha’s Vineyard that reflect Della Hardman’s legacy theme ~ “savor the moment.” The winning entries will be published in the Oak Bluffs Public Library Calendar for 2011. An exhibition is planned of a representative sample of the works submitted. The contest is open to all who wish to participate.
Entry deadline: May 29, 2010
View and print an entry form online, or pick one up at the library during your next visit. Please speak to a library staff member or read the entry form for more details.
Entry deadline: May 29, 2010
View and print an entry form online, or pick one up at the library during your next visit. Please speak to a library staff member or read the entry form for more details.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Workshop for Nonprofit Grant Seekers Introduces GRN:MV
The library recently hosted a two-day workshop for nonprofit grant seekers that attracted over 30 attendees. The workshop focused on how to find and apply for grants using a collection of print and online resources referred to as the Grant Resource Network: Martha's Vineyard (GRN:MV), available at the Oak Bluffs Public Library. It includes access to online grant databases provided by Associated Grant Makers of Boston (includes over 400 local funders) and the Foundation Center (includes 97,000 national grant makers).
If you missed the workshop, please visit the library during our open hours to use the collection. You can also contact the Martha's Vineyard Donors Collaborative to arrange for a trainer to assist you when using the grant databases. Send an E-mail to to make an appointment with a trainer.
The GRN:MV was made possible by the collaboration of Associated Grant Makers, the Oak Bluffs Public Library, and the Martha's Vineyard Donors Collaborative, and also a grant from the Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation.
If you missed the workshop, please visit the library during our open hours to use the collection. You can also contact the Martha's Vineyard Donors Collaborative to arrange for a trainer to assist you when using the grant databases. Send an E-mail to to make an appointment with a trainer.
The GRN:MV was made possible by the collaboration of Associated Grant Makers, the Oak Bluffs Public Library, and the Martha's Vineyard Donors Collaborative, and also a grant from the Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Winter Reading Series & Technology Fair!
The library has two very exciting programs coming soon that you will not want to miss:
Thursday, March 11 at 5:30 PM - Winter Reading Series
Samuel Leader and Greg Shultz, Fiction Fellows at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown will talk about their writing. Refreshments Served. Read more...
Saturday, March 20 at 1:00 PM - 2nd Annual Technology Fair
Community, school, library and business leaders will present examples of new information and communication technologies to the public. This is a free event and one lucky attendee will win an MP3 Player courtesy of the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs. Read more...
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Computer Classes Full - Signing Up Alternates
The series of computer classes that are being offered at the library are filled to capacity. The library will continue to sign up alternates for the classes so that if someone cancels their seat will be filled. Please call 508-693-9433 and speak to a library staff member to sign up as an alternate. The computer classes have been made possible in part by a generous donation from the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank.
Black History Month - Displays & Resources
The Martha's Vineyard chapter of the NAACP has created a display at the library to honor former presidents of the local chapter and to commemorate the centennial celebration of the NAACP. The display is located on the top floor of the library near the stairs. You can learn more about the NAACP of Martha's Vineyard by visiting their website at
The library has also created a display consisting of materials related to Black History Month, including the highly acclaimed African American National Biography, Africana, The Underground Railroad: an encyclopedia of people, places and operations and Harlem Renaissance Lives. These resources are very helpful for students doing homework assignments, researchers, and anyone interested in learning more about black history.
Please come to the library and visit these two displays celebrating Black History Month.
The library has also created a display consisting of materials related to Black History Month, including the highly acclaimed African American National Biography, Africana, The Underground Railroad: an encyclopedia of people, places and operations and Harlem Renaissance Lives. These resources are very helpful for students doing homework assignments, researchers, and anyone interested in learning more about black history.
Please come to the library and visit these two displays celebrating Black History Month.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tax Forms Are Now Available
State and federal tax forms have been delivered to your local library. Visit the upstairs reference area to pick up the forms that you need. Please speak to a staff member if you can't find a form and we will help you print a copy or request it from the state or federal government.
Friday, January 22, 2010
FREE Computer Classes At Your Library
A series of free computer skills classes for beginners and intermediates will be offered at the library this winter. Sign up today to improve your computer knowledge and skills, learn how to use Microsoft Word and Excel, and discover new Internet search tools and techniques. Space is limited for the classes, please speak to a library staff member to learn more and to reserve a seat. The series has been made possible in part by a generous donation from the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank.
Richard Hammond, an employee at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, a continuing education instructor and the owner of Hammond & Associates, will be the instructor for the classes.
Schedule of Classes - Please remember, seating is limited, call the library (508)-693-9433 to sign up:
Thurs., Feb. 4 at 6 PM - Basic Computer Skills
Thurs., Feb 11 at 6 PM - Inter. Computer Skills
Sat., Feb 13 at 2 PM - Microsoft Office Word
Thurs., Feb 18 at 6 PM - Microsoft Office Excel
Sat., Mar. 6 at 2 PM - Internet
Sat., Mar. 13 at 6 PM - Basic Computer Skills
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Robert B. Parker - A Tribute & Book Display
Novelist Robert B. Parker epitomized the spirit of Massachusetts ; its Yankee tenacity, hard-boiled character, and deep-rooted loyalty. Born in Springfield , educated in Maine , and finally dying at his writing desk in Cambridge , New England ran through him and into his beloved characters.
His legions of fans are just as loyal to their favorite Parker characters as they are to the author himself. Be it Spencer, Jess Stone, Susan Silverman, or Hawk fans can often be found arguing the merits of one over the other.
The news of Mr. Parker’s death hit New England as hard as the blowing January cold. We all asked the same selfish question, “Did he leave us any books?” The answer is yes but not nearly enough. For now we will carefully pick our favorite Parker book from the shelf, let our fingers smooth the cover, open it slowly, and reread his words savoring each and every one.
Please visit our display of Mr. Parker's books by the downstairs check out desk.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Winter Newsletter - Now Available!
Learn about new library services, events and news by reading our winter newsletter - Books & Beyond.
The most recent issue is now available for your reading pleasure. Pick up a copy at the library today or view it online - Winter 2010 - Volume 2, Issue 1
The most recent issue is now available for your reading pleasure. Pick up a copy at the library today or view it online - Winter 2010 - Volume 2, Issue 1
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