During National Library Week April 11 – 17, we are encouraging community members to use the “Library Savings Calculator” to learn how much money they are saving by using their local library.
To calculate your savings visit:
National Library Week - Facts:
Americans check out an average of more than seven books a year. They spend $33.56 a year for the public library—about the average cost of one hardcover book.
Americans go to school, public and academic libraries nearly three times more often than they go to the movies.
Reference librarians in the nation’s public and academic libraries answer nearly 5.7 million questions weekly. Standing single file, the line of questioners would span from Long Island, New York, to Juneau, Alaska.
A 2009 poll conducted for the American Library Association found that 96% of respondents agreed that public libraries play an important role in giving everyone a chance to succeed because it provides free access to materials and resources.
*Facts taken from the "Quotable Facts About America's Libraries 2010" produced by the American Library Association