Saturday, December 01, 2007
November Book Club -- The Piano Tuner
Our discussion centered around the lush description of the landscape and life in the colonies of the British Empire during the 19th century. Several participants thought that the title of the book should have been The Piano, rather than The Piano Tuner, because the story really told more about the life and death of the Erard piano than of the piano tuner.
One person said the descriptions of life during the Raj brought back many memories of her life before she came to the States. Another person wanted to hear Burmese music and taste Burmese food to better understand the Burmese people. We discussed the fact that taste and audio are a wonderful addition to reading about different cultures.
All in all, most participants liked the book and were fascinated to hear more detail about the history of music and the art of piano tuning from one of our members. The discussion was lively and interesting!! We all agreed that this tale would make a wonderful movie or TV miniseries!
We will not have a book club meeting in December. The next time we meet will be in January.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Computer Class - Attendees Excited to Learn More!
The class was titled - "Learn Basic Computer Skills" and required no previous computer experience in order to sign-up.
Attendees gained hands-on experience in basic computer skills like turning on the computer, using the mouse, navigating the windows environment, etc...
At the conclusion of the class several people signed up for our Individual Computer Help Sessions to continue their introduction to computers and related topics (searching the web, using Microsoft Word, etc...).
Stay tuned to the library's website and local media, as the library plans to host more computer/technology courses in the future!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Large Crowd Enjoys Songini Book Signing & Lecture!

The focus of Mr. Songini's talk was "Vineyard Heroes: Great Whaling Masters and Mates of the Island."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Trustee Toolkit Workshop

October's Book Discussion: "Cod" by Mark Kurlansky

Spirited discussions took place at both the evening and morning sessions, with mostly praise expressed for the author's research and writing style.
Topics that received particular attention were fish farming, the fishing industry (techniques, technology, economics, etc..), the historical significance of cod, education in schools concerning sustainability, and the social/cultural influence of this important food source.
As usual people's personal experiences and expertise on relevant subjects greatly contributed to the conversation, and made for a thought provoking group discussion!
Kurlansky has written a number of other books that may also appeal to readers:
Salt: A World History
The Basque History of the World: The Story of a Nation
The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Biographies, MV Hurricanes, Fishing Derby, and more!
Visit our "Who's Life Is It Anyway?" Book Display and find Library materials concerning the lives of fascinating people!
Or take a look at our "Hurricanes & Martha's Vineyard" exhibit to learn more about some of the powerful storms that have affected the Island's people, towns, and landscape over the years! There is more information in the Reference Department that will help you and your family prepare for future hurricanes and natural disasters.
It is also the season for the annual Fishing Derby, the Library staff has created a display of related materials along with some brief information about the Derby.
Finally, don't forget about Banned Books Week! There are bookmarks and information packets near the Library's Catalog Computers and in the Reference Department. Celebrate your freedom to read today!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
September Book Discussion Group: "The Death of Vishnu" by Manil Suri
The author, Manil Suri, infused his tale with many details and insights into everyday Indian life -- its hardships and customs. His descriptions of food, particularly the many sweets that are consumed, was mouth-watering.
Please join us in October when we will be reading "Cod" by Mark Kurlansky. The Discussion Group Meetings will be held in conjunction with The Sustainable Book Club, an Island-wide book group, which is reading and discussing books that examine our relationship with nature. The group is sponsored by all six Island Libraries, Felix Neck Sanctuary, Polly Hill Arboretum and The Vineyard Conservation Society. The group will meet at the Oak Bluffs Library on Tuesday, October 23rd, at 6:30 pm and Wednesday, October 24th, at 10:30 am.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Summer Memories: Past and Present - Jessica Harris

About Jessica Harris:Excerpt from Ebony Magazine (March 2007, pg 118)
Culinary historian Jessica B. Harris, Ph.D. has authored nine acclaimed cookbooks that document the foods and foodways of the African Diaspora. A culinary historian, she has lectured on food at the Museum of Natural History in New York City, the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., as well as at numerous institutions and colleges throughout the United States and abroad.
Harris has written for major food magazines, including Gourmet, Food & Wine, Cooking Light and Eating Well. In addition, she has given presentations at prestigious events, including meetings of the international Association of Culinary Professionals and the American Institute of Wine and Food conference. Dr. Harris also has appeared on The Today Show and Good Morning America, and she has served as culinary and cultural expert on two Burr Wolf series for PBS.
A tenured professor of English at Queens College, C.U.N.Y., Harris holds degrees from Bryn Mawr College, Queens College, The Universite de Nancy, France, and a doctorate in performance studies from New York University. She speaks French fluently and is conversant in Spanish and Portuguese.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Oxford African American Studies Center - New Library Resource!
The Oxford African American Studies Center combines the authority of carefully edited reference works with sophisticated technology to create the most comprehensive collection of scholarship available online to focus on the lives and events which have shaped African American history and culture.

To learn how you can begin using the Oxford African American Studies Center please speak with an Oak Bluffs Public Library Staff Member today!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Triad Club Display!
The materials were on display during the month of August, and library patrons enjoyed viewing the collection and reading Susan Wilson's article, For 70 Years, the Triad Club of Oak Bluffs Was a Forum For Members' "Improvement", which appeared in the Dukes County Intelligencer (August 2007 Edition).
You can learn more about other topics related to local history by visiting the Library and reading a book from our Martha's Vineyard Collection!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Darfur: Too Dark, Too Far - Hafiz Farid
Please monitor our online calendar to learn about upcoming Movie/Documentary Nights, Lectures, Educational Programs, Scrabble Group Meetings, Coffee Times, and other great programs at your library!
Charlayne Hunter-Gault - Africa's Best Kept Secret...
Copies of Charlayne's most recent book, "New News Out of Africa: Uncovering the African Renaissance" may be checked out at the library or by requesting them online through our website!
Book Discussion Group - "To Kill A Mockingbird"
For more information about Harper Lee's life and other books that may interest people who enjoyed reading To Kill a Mockingbird, please check out NoveList, which is accessible from the website. Listed below are several suggestions for similar books:
The Summer We Got Saved by Pat Cunningham Devoto
The Quiet Game by Greg Iles
The Madonna of Excelsior by Zakes Mda
We Are All Welcome Here by Elizabeth Berg
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg
Please join us next month for our next meeting when we will discuss The Death of Vishnu by Manil Suri. Stop by the circulation desk to pick up your copy today!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Senator Brooke visits the OBPL for Book Signing/Reception!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Portuguese-American Literature Program
The lecture was co-sponsored by the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture at UMass-Dartmouth and the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities. The Oak Bluffs Public Library would like to thank both organizations for making this educational program possible.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Portuguese-American Literature Today

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Documentary Screening at the OBPL!
Over 20 attendees had an opportunity to meet the Director, Hafiz Farid!
"Darfur: Too Dark, Too Far" is a documentary that examines the root causes of genocide.
African American Classics in History & Literature Event!
Keynote speaker Dr. Adelaide M. Cromwell, Professor Emerita of Sociology – Boston University, and author of Unveiled Voices, Unvarnished Memories: The Cromwell Family in Slavery And Segregation, 1692-1972, provided an enlightening talk on the subject and received an enthusiastic round of applause from the audience.
The event was arranged by the MV-ASALH; which graciously presented the Oak Bluffs Public Library with a donation of $200 to be used towards library materials.
The mission of ASALH (founded in 1915) is to research, study, interpret, preserve and promote information about Black life, history and culture to the global community. The MV Branch of ASALH (founded in 2002), supports the study of African American history and life in schools, learning centers, homes, churches and community groups.
For More Information about the MV-ASALH Contact:
Bob Hayden, President MV-ASALH, 508-693-8714
Friday, August 10, 2007
Thank you Michael Wooley!
Mr. Wooley's photographs and commentary on the mysterious and beautiful undersea world were fun and informative! Thank you for another great program Michael!
About Michael Wooley: Water and the sea are Michael's life. Many of you may know him as an Island swimming teacher/lifeguard as well as an accomplished visual artist. His blue-ribbon photography, collages, ceramics, and illustrations have been exhibited in many different countries and are now in households all over the world! Michael's subject matter focuses primarily on the natural world; his presentation at the library spotlighted the sea and the ecosystem of a barrier reef.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Another great Movie Night at the OBPL!

On August 7th the new Family Drama, "Astronaut Farmer" (starring Billy Bob Thornton), about a farmer who builds a rocket in his barn and dreams of going into space, was shown for an audience of 20 people!
September's Movie Night will be announced on the library's website soon!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Gus Ben David Live Animal Interview: a Frogtastic Event!

A tremendous crowd of 57 people came to see Gus Ben David perform at the Library!
People of all ages were entertained by African Bull Frogs, Alligator Turtles, Spotted Salamanders, and others! Gus Ben David informed the audience about the nature of these fascinating animals while introducing us to his slippery friends.
The program was a part of the Della Hardman Day events, and was the perfect compliment to the wonderful collection of Della's frogs that were on display throughout the library.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Book Discussion Group - "My Antonia"
Discussion topics included:
- The author's writing style & use of language.
- The historical accuracy of how the mid-west was portrayed during the late 1800's.
- The main characters (Antonia, Jim, etc...).
- What the author did not tell us and the questions left unanswered.
- And other interesting topics that came to people's minds while reading the novel!
For more information about Willa Cather's life and other books that may interest people who enjoyed reading "My Antonia", try these suggestions:
Click on the link to be brought directly to the book/DVD in the CLAMS Catalog!
- Willa Cather: The Road Is All - a recent PBS special (DVD) about Willa Cather.
- "Giants In The Earth" by Ole Edvart - one of our attendees was reminded of this novel while reading "My Antonia".
- "The Virginian" by Owen Wister
- "Barren Ground" by Ellen Glasgow
- "Yonnondio: From the Thirties" by Tillie Olsen
- "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton
Please join us next month for our next meeting when we will discuss "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee! Stop by the circulation desk to pick up your copy today!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Gus Ben David Live Animal Interview @ the OBPL
Gus Ben David, the renown Island naturalist and former Felix Neck director, will bring live frogs, toads and other creatures to the library for a fun & informative nature program!
Learn more about Gus Ben David by visiting the World of Reptiles and Birds Website!
This is a Della Hardman Day Event!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Did you know?
Stay tuned for library promotions & displays for Library Card Sign-Up Month in the near future!
The Smartest Card. Get It. Use It. @ Your Library
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Book Discussion Group - "The Time Traveler's Wife"
While many people did not like the time travelling/sci-fi aspect, relationships, etc... in the book, others enjoyed the novel's unique plotline and love story.
The differing opinions made for an intriguing discussion!
If you weren't able to read the book for the discussion group, you can request the book in the CLAMS catalog today!
Other books with time traveling/memory themes include:
- "A Shortcut in Time" by Charles Dickinson
- "Replay" by Ken Grimwood
- "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold
- "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut
- "Crooked River Burning" by Mark Winegardner
Friday, July 06, 2007
New Africana Encyclopedia!

Come to the Reference Department and browse the latest encyclopedia to be added to our collection, "Africana" ed. by Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates Jr.
"Substantially larger than the first edition (1999), and with expanded references and indexing, this five-volume set covers a vast geographic area and encompasses the complex histories of Africans in Africa and the Americas. It is written for high school level readers and above and for a non-specialist audience. Slavery and the struggle for political and economic freedom and equality are central themes, and the roots of African and African-American culture in the histories of individual countries are thoroughly explored. In addition to topical entries, "interpretation" essays offer, for example, an examination of the dual tradition of African American fiction with discussion of perceptions, stereotypes, and alternative avenues for analysis. Among the topics new to this edition are African American architects, African oral literature, Black classicism in the U.S., the history of writing in Africa, Black literature in South Africa, the transatlantic slave trade database, and migrancy and African literature. "
Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Friday, June 29, 2007
Baseball Card Raffle!

Baseball Card Raffle
Come to the library on Tuesday, July 10 between 10am-8pm to be entered into a raffle for a 2007 Team Set of baseball cards (Choose your favorite team!) and other prizes.
Also learn how you can be entered into the Step Up to the Plate @ Your Library program (ages 9-18) and win a trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame!
And remember, if you read a book for the Step Up to the Plate @ Your Library program you can count the time you spent reading towards your Summer Reading Program at the Oak Bluffs Public Library!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Exploring a Coral Reef - Michael Wooley
A crowd of approximately 30 people attended the event and were mesmerized by the slideshow of beautiful photographs (taken by Michael) projected onto the library's big screen.
Michael spoke about the rich ecosystem of the coral reef and provided the names of numerous fish, corals, plants, and animals that he encountered during his undersea adventure.
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed refreshments while asking Michael questions about his trip and the incredible artwork that he creates (on display for the event)!
Please check our online events calendar to learn about more interesting programs happening at the Oak Bluffs Public Library!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Book Discussion Group - "Empire Falls"
- "Wonder Boys" by Michael Chabon
- "Back When We Were Grownups" by Anne Tyler
- "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver
- "Foolscap" by Michael Malone
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Scrabble Group Meets for the First Time!
We will be holding future meetings on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. So keep June 2nd (10am-12pm) on your calendar free and join us for the next Scrabble Group meeting. Please bring a scrabble board with you if you own one.
Refreshments will be served and all ages and skill levels are invited to attend!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Library Friends Book Sale!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
New Photography Book Displays!

Have you seen our new photography books displays yet? Downstairs there are books about digital photography, famous photographers, photograph collections, and much more that you can browse, check out and take home if you would like.
Upstairs there are some wonderful photography books and old photographs (1870-1888) from our Martha's Vineyard Historical Collection on display for your viewing pleasure!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Judy Campbell - Poetry Reading!

Judy Campbell delivered a wonderful poetry reading on May 1. Her clear and enthusiastic oration and creative verse were very much appreciated by the 13 audience members!
Please come see our display case of poetry books (by the downstairs Circulation Desk) which features poets that have delivered poetry readings at the library (including Judy!).
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Book Discussion Group: "Their Eyes Were Watching God"

This book was also chosen as the One Book One Island adult book for 2007. Their Eyes Were Watching God is the unforgettable story of Janie Crawford, an articulate African-American woman in the 1930s, and her quest for identity and independence through three marriages and many interesting adventures. Much of our discussion was about the life of the author, Zora Neale Hurston, who was born in Eatonville, Florida -- an all-black community in the late 1800's. She studied anthropology at Barnard College and did field work in Harlem and Haiti. The group was particularly keen on attending the talk by Hurston scholar, Glenda Carpio, on Friday, April 27th at the Oak Bluffs Library.
For those of you who enjoyed this book, we would like to suggest the following further reading:
Gloria Naylor, Mama Day (1988)
Toni Morrison, Sula (1973)
Randall Kenan, A Visitation of Spirits (1989)
Alice Walker, Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
National Library Week - April 15-21
- Use the library’s website to place holds on the latest books, DVDs, CDs, and more!
- Download Free Audiobooks at Home!
- Renew books & manage your library account from home using our website!
- Learn about fun & educational library programs on our website and online calendar.
- Movie Nights - on a giant projection screen!
- Individual Computer Help Lessons.
- Request materials from libraries in Massachusetts and across the Country!
- Get homework help & answers to all of your questions at the Reference Desk!
- Read a huge selection of newspapers & magazines online.
- Use your laptop to surf the net at the library - We have WIFI!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Celebrate National Jazz & Poetry Month!

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Book Discussion Group - The Known World
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Bondwoman's Narrative by Hannah Crafts
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Ernest J. Gaines
Absalom! Absalom! by William Faulkner
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Learn about eAudiobooks

Stay tuned for more eAudiobooks sessions in the future and please ask a librarian for help if you want to learn more about this exciting new service!
P.S. - There is a new handout in the Reference Department to help you begin using eAudiobooks on your computer and or MP3 player.
Begin listening to new titles like "The Boleyn Inheritance" by Philippa Gregory & "Mercy" by Jodi Picoult, try a classic such as "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville, or learn a new language by using the extensive language studies section of the eAudiobooks collection!
Friday, March 16, 2007
New Resources for Island Non-Profits!
The Library is acquiring subscriptions to the Foundation Directory Online – Plus database, Chronicle of Philanthropy, and Nonprofit Quarterly; as well as books on a broad range of topics including Grant Writing, Fundraising, Budgeting, Capital Campaigns and Management for Non-Profit Organizations. The Foundation Directory Online – Plus database gives Vineyard non-profits access to information on 10,000 Foundations and 500,000 grants. A complete list of these materials follows and is also available on the MVDC website, as well as in print at the Oak Bluffs Public Library. Materials are now being received and processed by the library and they will be made available on the library’s shelves and through its online catalog (at ) as they arrive.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
New Library Displays!
Come to the library soon and see the new book displays for the month of March!
- Think Spring (a collection of outdoor activity, gardening, birding books and more!)
- Teen Tech Week (in the Young Adults' Department)
- Newspapers in Education Week (items from our MV Collection & other library resources related to the Island newspapers, editors, writers, etc...)
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Book Discussion Group - "My Sister's Keeper"
The book opened the doorway for spirited discussions on the topics of family relationships, ethics in modern medicine, the legal system, the writing style of Jodi Picoult, and more!
If you like reading Jodi Picoult you may also want to try reading books by the following authors:
- Chris Bohjalian - "Past the Bleachers"
- Jacquelyn Mitchard - "The Deep End of the Ocean", "A Theory of Relativity"
- Luanne Rice - "Home Fires"
- Ann Hood - "Properties of Water"
- Sue Miller - "The Good Mother", "While I Was Gone"
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Have you come to the library for Movie Night yet?
Several attendees commented that they enjoyed the movie very much and were eager to see more movie's at the library in the future!
Our next movie will be showing on Tuesday, March 20 at 6:00pm!
Please call the library or come to the library in person to find out what movie will be showing and join us for an entertaining evening at the library!
Tell A Story & African American History Celebration!

Thursday, February 08, 2007
February is African American History Month!
Saturday, February 17 at 1pm: Tell A Story - Leigh French, an African American Story Time - (for ages 6-10)
Saturday, February 17 at 3pm: African American History Celebration! - (geared towards Junior High-High School students although anybody that is interested in attending is welcome!)
Please visit our events calendar for full descriptions of these events!
Dorothy West Exhibit - Upstairs near the Reference Desk.
African American History on Martha's Vineyard - Materials from our Martha's Vineyard collection are on display in the upstairs Historical Room.
To see pictures of these displays, please click here!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Book Discussion Group - "The Constant Princess"
Several people expressed an interest in pursuing further reading on the period, and to that end we recommend you visit the NoveList website, which you can access from the Library's home page by clicking on the NoveList icon. Use your Oak Bluffs library card number as your Patron ID.
The next book discussion group will be held on February 27th and 28th. We will be discussing My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Books and tapes are available now at the Circulation Desk.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Movie Night!!!
There will be movie nights on February 20 & March 20, when we will be showing a new DVD release on our large projection screen in the meeting room, please join us!