Marc Songini, author of "The Lost Fleet: A Yankee Whaler's Struggle Against the Confederate Navy and Arctic Disaster," spoke to a crowd of over 40 people at the Library on Saturday, November 10th!
The focus of Mr. Songini's talk was "Vineyard Heroes: Great Whaling Masters and Mates of the Island."
The focus of Mr. Songini's talk was "Vineyard Heroes: Great Whaling Masters and Mates of the Island."
Mr. Songini discussed the fascinating lives of the many Vineyarders who took part in the once-prolific whaling industry, using many interesting and humorous anecdotes to entertain the audience. Many Island history buffs were in attendance and so there was no shortage of questions or topics for discussion.
After the discussion period, copies of Mr. Songini's book were available for purchase, courtesy of Sun Porch Books. The author signed copies for anyone who asked him.

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